Secrets of Radar Museum (The)
London, Ontario

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Sworn to Secrecy: Canadians on Radar, 1940-1945
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An excerpt from the station magazine at Cape Scott, The Isolationist, from April 10, 1944


First Impressions of Cape Scott

Since my arrival on the Detachment, I've been more than impressed by the spirit of friendship, co-operation, and the desire to work and play together which exists on this station. These things all go together to build up morale. The indicator on the morale thermometer at Cape Scott is definitely about as high as it can possibly go. You've put it there, fellows, each and every one of you; try to keep it there during the course of your stay here, which I am sure you can and will do.

Sports events here appear to be very popular as is evidenced by the turn-out for all games. Sports not only help to keep our minds and bodies in good condition, but fill that space of time each day which might otherwise be spent in thinking of other times and more pleasant places. Total up work, play, and entertainment, and there is no time left to worry about isolation; which is just as it should be.

I am sure my stay at C.S. will be a pleasant one as long as I have men like you to work with.


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