Pontiac Historical Museum
Shawville, Quebec

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The Musical and Agricultural Heritage of Eric Campbell




Welcome to our - maybe we'll say our first annual, or maybe we won't - I don't know, it depends upon the public - Fiddlin' Jamboree. If this goes over good tonight, it's as you see, everything's all free to everyone...fiddlers, guitar players, piano players, and all the rest. There's no cost for anything, and, if someone would like a drink, you can go over to the bar. There's also a corner down here, that we can sell soft drinks to the kids.

We do have some cassettes from our last volume that was put out...the volume before that, we're out of them at the moment, but there's some cassettes here for sale tonight. Now the music that's made here tonight will be video'd and audio'd, and we'll have them available hopefully by Christmas. So Robert or myself will be able to put you on to that, later in the season.

If there's any piano players extra in the hall, we'd like to change off, as the night goes along, we'd like to give everyone a chance to do their thing...and the same goes for guitar players, or any other intruments that we have. And I think it looks like we're going to have classical fiddle, as well as the old time fiddle tonight.

And if this program is the way we want, and is a success, probably another year, we'll have another one.


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