messenger: gearing up for the daily grind
May 21, 2008
Manotick, Ontario, Canada


Watson's Mill Manotick Inc. is very proud to announce that, at the conclusion of this Community Memories Project, the Watson's Mill is just about to receive the deeds of their property, making the ownership of the Manotick landmark official.

We know have two full-time staff, the Manager and Education and Programming Officer, as well as six summer students for the season fulfilling the following positions: Staff Supervisor, Children's Programming Assistant, Special Events Assistant, Outreach Coordinator, and two Junior Heritage Presenters. It's a long way from just three years ago, when the Mill only had two summer staff and a volunteer board of directors to keep the doors opened!

The volunteers of Watson's Mill are as present as ever, with many activities planned for the season including phase 4: window restoration, the seed cleaner restoration, many fundraising events, the registration of all moving parts of the original machinery, new outdoor interpretive panels, and the development of a period dress animation program for the 150th anniversary of Manotick next year, in 2009.

We hope you join us. See you at the Mill!

For any other information, or to join Watson's Mill Manotick Inc., please contact us any time:

Watson's Mill
5525 Dickinson Street, Manotick, ON K4M 1A3
Tel.: 613-692-6455
Email: watsonsmillmanotick@rogers.com