Dance at Orange Hall at Dunn's Corner, about 1952
Dunn's Corner

Queens County Museum Collection


Picnics, quilting bees, barn raisings, card and house parties rounded out the social calendar. People from miles around would attend the dances, to dance or just listen to the music. In the days before television or even electricity, it was the only means of seeing live entertainment.


Playing at Dance at the Orange Hall in Dunn's Corner
Dunn's Corner


It was common to have local musicians come together for an evening of entertainment and a fun dance. Every community had its fiddler, banjo and accordion players, and a piano player. Some played together regularly, others just for the occasion.


Besides the dances, churches, and societies, there were winter sleigh rides, bonfires, baseball games, hunting and fishing. Of course there was courting too. Boys and girls who wanted to marry had to get to know one another somehow! These sturdy folk worked hard but knew how to relax and have a good time. There was never a shortage of things to do.