''Scotian Pebble Dish'' (no date)



Alice Hagen continues to create

In February 1966, the Eastern and Chartered Gallery on Hollis Street in Halifax presented: "An Artist's Retrospect of 75 Years." Reviewer Marion Moore wrote:

"Although her work contains the flavour of the period in which it was done, it is continually changing as she experiments with new techniques with a vigour and enthusiasm that belies her years. In shape and design her 'Scotian pebble' is as modern as tomorrow, and her recent seascapes are vigorous in style and contemporary in approach. Though at 94 she has limited strength and an eyesight problem, this remarkable woman is still experimenting with new glazes and planning new canvases." (1)
(1) Marion Moore, "Pottery Maker Goes on Display - Work of 94-Year-Old Artist", Chronicle Herald, 14 February 1966.