Perhaps one of the most exciting legacies of the rehabilitation of the trestle is that the campaign to save it has raised awareness of heritage conservation in the community. Many who had initially opposed the idea of rehabilitating the trestle soon changed their minds. Recognition of the importance of the built environment is a wonderful outcome of this heritage rehabilitation story. Hopefully, future generations will embrace their inheritance of structures like the Kinsol Trestle.

Children became inspired by the campaign to save the old railway bridge. Two young people, Tiffany Weatherston and Pierre Recevaux, wrote a letter to a local newspaper imploring the CVRD to intervene in the demolition of the trestle. They wrote, "We believe that it is important to keep the history of the Cowichan Valley alive so that future children will be able to experience history for themselves. Please, Mr. CVRD, whoever you are, do not tear down the Kinsol Trestle."


Marlene Spaeth and relative on precarious perch
6 July 1975
Kinsol Trestle, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, BC Canada

Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives
Marlene Spaeth