Canso Causeway blocking the ice
Strait of Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada


NEGATIVE IMPACT ON STRAIT OF CANSO COMMUNITIES IN THE SHORT TERM- The Impact of the construction of the Canso Causeway was the creation of one of the deepest ice free harbours in the world that could attract industries to the Strait of Canso area.

In 1953, insightful local community leaders and businessmen organized to form the Four County Industrial Development Association. They needed to address the immediate problem that would occur upon completion of the Canso Causeway in 1955 of major job loss to the residents of the communities on both sides of the Strait. They would lobby for a pulp mill........( successfully!!!)


Brief Concerning the Future of the Town of Mulgrave
March, 1953
Mulgrave, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, Canada


MULGRAVE GETS ORGANIZED - By March 1953, a seven page " Brief Concerning the Future of the Town of Mulgrave" was published and distributed by the Mulgrave Town Council and Board of Trade
EXCERPTS- Profile (a) Mulgrave community had been dependent for 50 years on employment provided by train and later car ferries connecting Cape Breton Island with mainland Nova Scotia and on the Canadian National Railway (b) the 1951 census recorded 1159 people living in 214 residential homes with another 87 living beyond the town boundaries whose children attended town schools (c) 288 men worked for Canadian National Railway and the ferries and 179 of these had no tenure
Attributes- (A) deep water natural harbour and excellent shipping facilities (B)generous supply of seasoned timber available( C) a number of fresh water lakes (D) proximity of road and rail arteries Proposals- (1)that the Canadian National railway construct and maintain a spur line from the mainland entrance to the Canso Causeway in Auld's Cove to the town of Mulgrave (2) the Provincial Government be urged to erect a power generating plant at Mulgrave(3) that a pulp and paper mill be operated in the Mulgrave area


Port Hawkesbury Marine Railway Company Ltd. promotional booklet sent out by Art Langley
July, 1953
Strait of Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada


Copy of the letter included by Art Langley, Sr.
July, 1953
Port Hawkesbury, Inverness County, Nova Scotia, Canada


PROACTIVE APPROACH TO ATTRACTING NEW INDUSTRY - July 1953 - Art Langley, Mayor of Port Hawkesbury and owner of the Port Hawkesbury Marine Railway Shipyard in Point Tupper, published a 17 page book to promote his business. He used lots of pictures as examples of the work his company did but also profiled Acadia Fisheries in Mulgrave and the railway terminal in Point Tupper. He included a sketch of the town, nautical distances to other places and chart of the Port Hawkesbury Harbour soundings in feet, lowest morning tide.
The letter on the first page indicates that he new of the initial negative impact of the construction of the Canso Causeway when completed in 1955 due to loss of jobs on the rail and car ferries and at the Canadian National Railway operation at Point Tupper. More importantly, Art realized the potential because of it and was doing his part to promote the area .
He also served on the Four County Industrial Development Association and is said to have played a significant role at a critical time in getting the Premier of Nova Scotia to make the necessary contact with pulp mill officials in Sweden.


Strait of Canso filled with ice
April, 1950
Port Hawkesbury, Inverness County, Nova Scotia, Canada


At a July 29th, 1953 Ratepayers Meeting in Port Hawkesbury, the issue of whether a resolution stating that the residents approved an application to the minister of Municipal Affairs to disincorporate the town of Port Hawkesbury and go back to the County of Inverness as a village be submitted. This was due to their concerns about the conditions of their roads and the tax rate and the town's future after the completion of the Canso Causeway.
At the meeting, Dr. Trainor, President of the Board of Trade spoke to the issue as did Mayor Art Langley, and W.V. Mosley, Minister of Municipal Affairs.
Jim Spray said,"...the completion of the Strait of Canso Causeway will determine our status. Either we would forge ahead or perhaps due to the completion of the causeway, our population would decrease and thus we would automatically be declared a village. He bade all to be of good cheer that perhaps good times were in store with a good harbor and a strategic site and industry might start up here and benefit all. He suggested that we stay with the ship and plug the holes". (The Victoria Inverness Bulletin August 5,1953)
The vote was: 72 against disincorporation,14 voted for and one was a spoiled ballot.


'Are They Doom Towns?'
Point Tupper, Richmond County, Nova Scotia, Canada


1953- ARE THEY DOOM TOWNS? - The Canso Causeway May Ruin these Nova Scotia Communities
The Weekend Picture Magazine cover story highlighted the concerns of the people in Mulgrave, Guysborough County on the mainland side of the Strait of Canso, and Point Tupper, Richmond County and Port Hawkesbury, Inverness County on the Cape Breton side.
Their communities would be hard hit after the completion of the Canso Causeway because so many had been employed on the ferries and railroad for over fifty years.


Point Tupper Village and Georgia Pacific Gypsum Plant
Point Tupper, Richmond County, Nova Scotia, Canada


Chief Engineer Lauchlin Poirier of the Ulna and Gordon Walker, Banker of Port Hawkesbury


County Industrial Development Association members
Strait of Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada