Young People in Boat 1924
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wettlaufer, Shirley


Young Girls Wading
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wettlaufer, Shirley


Cut Knife Grinder, August 8, 1924

Girls Camp a Big Success

The fifty girls who attended the 2nd girl's community camp at Atton's Lake last week returned home satisfied with the week's outing.

The camp was divided into four groups - Happy Lot, Black Watch, Beacon Light and Live Wires. Black Watch won highest aggregate marks given for baseball tournament, morning watch attendance, tent tidiness and campfire program. The other groups did well however and for the short time in camp and the inclement weather, the girls responded well to the program of organization.

The six lady leaders are to be congratulated upon their success in managing such a large camp and are entitled to the gratitude of the parents and community for their work.


Ladies Out for a Row
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wettlaufer, Shirley


Cut Knife Grinder, July 17, 1925

The Triple Lakes have been inspected by a representative of the Dept. of Marine and Fisheries, and only the Western one found suitable for stocking fish. The report shows that in the other two lakes there is alkali in the water, and also a scarcity of fish foods.


Betty Robertson at the Lake
Atton's Lake Campground; Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wettlaufer, Shirley


'Angelic' Girls Around the Campfire
Atton's Lake Campground; Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wettlaufer, Shirley


Cut Knife Grinder, June 25, 1926

The Union Sunday School Picnic will be held at Atton's Lake on Thursday 15th, and arrangements are being made to see that all children of the Sunday School are taken care of. Parents are requested to bring baskets.

Dominion Day was an excellent day for outdoor sports and was taken advantage of by the citizens. A large number motored to Saskatoon and witnessed the old country soccer team in action. Several visited Atton's Lake, which seemed to say: "Come in, the water's fine," and some were at Meota for a days fishing, where the fish seemed ready for a lively bait, and several nimrods brought home good catches


Cut Knife Teachers Relaxing at Lake
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wettlaufer, Shirley


All Ages Enjoy the Beach
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wettlaufer, Shirley


CGIT Girls Camp 1926
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Sleath, Ruby


Cut Knife Grinder, July 8, 1927

About twelve members of the C.G.I.T. group are in camp at Atton's Lake during this week. The Camp is in charge of Mrs. J. Warden.

Cut Knife Grinder, July 15, 1927

Ten members of the C.G.I.T. group spent eight days in camp at Atton's Lake, returning home on Sunday. The camp, which was under the supervision of Mrs. Jas. Warden, was a most successful one despite the unfavourable weather, and all the girls had a wonderful time. The C.G.I.T. program was carried out and Camp was closed with a bonfire and impromptu concert. Gladys Ross and Mildred Wright won the Original Camp Song Concert, the prizes for athletics going to Mildred Wright and Adeline Saunderson.


Main Beach; group of young men enjoying the water.
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Clayton McLain Memorial Museum


Cut Knife Grinder, July 15, 1927

Give the Boys an Outing

At a meeting of the Juvenile Sports Committee it was proposed to conduct a Boys' (9 to 14 years) Camp at Atton's Lake the last week in July. Further announcement giving details and cost will published next week.

Cut Knife Grinder, July 29, 1927

Boys Camp News
Last Saturday was a busy day for the Juvenile Sports' Committee in their endeavour to give the boys (9-14) a week's frolic at Atton's Lake. Up to going to press the Supervisors report the boys having a wonderful time and no mishaps. Also that they are obedient to camp rules.
The following routine has been strictly adhered to under the supervision of Wm. Ross assisted by Mrs. Ross, Messrs. Banting Clayton Churchman, Campbell, Margot and Warden:-
6:45 Reveille
7:00 Setting up Exercises
7:05 Dip
7:20 Roll Call
7:30 Breakfast
8:00 Cleaning Tents
9:00 Inspection, Off Duty
10:00 Talk. Games
11:00 Swim
12:00 Dinner
12:30 Rest Period
2:00 Games
4:00 Swim
5:30 Supper
6:30 Prepare Tents
7:00 Games
9:00 Dip, then to Tents
9:10 Silence.
9:15 Lights out - Good Night
Talk each morning.
Sunday - Mr. Ross used the following epigram:Words, Actions, Talk, Character, Habits. Very instructive informal talks, boys benefiting.
Tuesday - Mr. Ross used that well known and appropriate phrase - Stand By: Keep Nigh; Fight Shy; Aim High. Always be prepared, shun evil thoughts and actions, do good to your fellows, and uphold the Higher things in Life.
Rev. Clayton's talk to the boys embraced the "four-fold development."
Dr. Banting enlightened the boys on the best thing in life - Health, and outlined the First Aid requirements.
A talk on "Sport" was given by Mr. Churchman, which gave the boys an idea of how to act in later life.
Four boys detailed daily for cook tent to prepare and serve appetizing meals under the direction of supervisors.
The diving board was erected during last week and was taken advantage of by the old as well as young 'uns. Swimming and diving lessons are given and it is expected that every boy in camp will be able to swim before closing of camp.
Hikes are the order of the day berry picking, camp fires, paper chase, football, baseball, and water polo.
A pleasing surprise was given the boys when the strains of music drafted through the camp. The Cut Knife Band causing the commotion.
Final camp fire Friday night, prizes awarded for athletics, stunts, and special competitions. Public invited Friday afternoon and evening.
A little excitement was caused one night when a tent pole broke. Some of the boys took in the fun and scrambled away, some were not discovered till morning.
Some more excitement, a big monster sighted, harpoons (forks and spoons) were used with deadly results. The monster was captured and classified by Prof. Brown as a Lizard.

Cut Knife Grinder, August 5, 1927

Boys' Camp
The 19 boys who attended the Camp at Atton's Lake returned to their homes Saturday, everyone being more than satisfied with the experience and the benefit derived from their week's stay at the lake.