Men's Swimming Suit
20th Century, Circa 1920's to 1930's
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

CMMM Collection


Cut Knife Grinder, August 2, 1929

Sunday School Picnics

Gallivan and Riding Hill United Church Sunday schools are holding their annual picnic at Atton's Lake, Monday, Aug. 5th. Transporting all those who wish to attend the picnic will require several cars and trucks and the assistance will be much appreciated by those in charge of any who can help.

With excellent weather Sunday and the water ideal for bathing, hundreds were at Atton's Lake until dark. Cut Knife Citizens Band was present and discoursed two musical programs, which were enjoyed by the crowd. Bandmaster Maule and his musicians were guests of the "Beacon Lights" who served an excellent supper in an ideal spot and not a mosquito in sight.