Memorial Plaque.
May, 2003
Durrell, South Twillingate Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada


The Durrell Museum has featured the Arm Lads Brigade exhibit to keep alive the thrilling story of the achievements of this group of volunteers and young men and boys in the tiny fishing community of Durrell and the two Great World Wars.

A dedication ceremony was held in May of 2003 to place a memorial plaque on the old Armoury in honour of the lads who served King and Country in World Wars I and II.

The bronze plaque reads:

This building is the former
constructed in 1910 with free labour by the Lads and Officers of the Brigade with help from community volunteers.
It now serves as a memorial to the Lads who volunteered to defend King and Country In both World Wars.

"We Will Remember Them"

Erected by the Honourable Gerry Reid, MHA Twillingate/Fogo District, Minister of Education Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
May 2003.

In attendance were former members of the Arm Lads Brigade and local dignitaries. The salute was played by band members of the local sea cadet squadron RCSCC Briton.