Kaslo, BC
9 April 2006


I looked up and noted anew the majestic Purcell Mountains pointing their peaks into the clear September sky, constantly standing guard over Kaslo, and at that time sporting a puff of white fleece over Mt. Loki's head. Below was the lake which shimmers and changes colour and character daily. On that day it was as smooth as glass, reflecting the mountains. At home, the summer birds were feasting at the bird feeders. The hummingbirds had long since gone south but the empty feeders were a reminder that they had been busy, loading up for their journey south. The squirrels were somewhere chattering to each other in the trees around our house. Soon the winter birds would arrive and stake out their claims to the feeders. Kaslo Creek was murmuring and rumbling as it tumbled over its rocky bed to spread out at last into the lake. Could I leave all this beauty?

Moreover, here live the people my husband and I love. We have formed deep ties here, and have treasured memories of the past forty six years. This is home. This is where we belong. Our minds were made up: Here we would permanently set our roots. This time we stay in Kaslo BY CHOICE. Kaslo, our Kaslo.
The ghost of the past, at last, had been laid to rest!

We made a wise choice in 1988. We have a wonderful life here (albeit that much of each year we spent traveling). We couldn't be happier.