It was November, 1962, by the time his family journeyed to McKenzie Island. They got off the train at Red Lake Road in a blinding snow storm and his wife thought they were surely lost.

It was a difficult adjustment for her: it was challenging to talk to her neighbours because of the language barrier, hauling water was trying, and going to the outhouse in the middle of the night was always a frightening experience.

It wasn't until the following summer that she understood why this beautiful location would be her home. This was a time when she could enjoy the beautiful scenery and enjoy the favourable climate.


They lived on the Island until McKenzie Mine closed down in 1965. Then, as many others did, the man found work at Campbell Mine in Balmertown. The family moved to that community and the man spent the next 23 years working there.

Although it was tough getting started, the couple have only fond memories of Finntown and McKenzie Island and continue to reside in Balmertown. Three of their children still live in the area.