Well, I enjoy the time period that we're portraying, I enjoy the costuming that we wear, I enjoy working with the children and trying to translate how it was 200 years ago living in this house. Also, we've made a lot of friends here with the other volunteers.


A group of volunteers after a dramatic recreation of the American occupation of the Gage House.
Battlefield Park, Stoney Creek, Ontario


Russell Mewse talking about his portrayal of a 19th century doctor at Battlefield House Museum.
August, 2003


Well, we try and recreate a local doctor here, Dr. Tiffany, who served this area back in 1800, 1812. And I think it's kind of important that the children learn about this and then they can see how far we've gone in the last two hundred years and start telling them that there were no anesthetics, no cures, no dentists, or anything like that. It's one of the ways of getting across to the children that things have changed dramatically and they should appreciate the time that they're living in now.


Volunteer Russell Mewse portraying a minister, one of his many historic characters.
Battlefield House Museum


Battlefield House Museum is truly a heritage organization built by volunteers. Without their support and enthusiasm, the job of interpreting our community's history would be much more difficult.