Wasuweg Gregoire brought a piece of the Berlin Wall in as her military treasure and wrote the following:

My treasure is a small piece of the Berlin Wall. The Wall was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic to separate West Berlin from East Berlin. It was built on August 13th 1961 and fell in 1990. This piece belongs to Remi Boudreau. The wall included guard towers placed along large concrete walls. The wall served to prevent the massive emigration and defection that marked Germany. This treasure is important because it belongs to my stepmom's dad who was in Germany for four years with the Canadian Armed Forces.


Wasawug Gregoire's Treasure - A Piece of the Berlin Wall
20th Century
New Richmond High School, New Richmond, Quebec Canada

Wasawug Gregoire, Grade 5, NRHS
Gordon Dell (History Teacher, NRHS)