Painting by Tamara Jerome, Grade 5, NRHS
Fall 2011
New Richmond High School, New Richmond, Quebec Canada

Tamara Jerome, Grade 5, NRHS
Natalie Hardy (Language Arts Teacher, NRHS)


War, A Poem by Zachary Cyr, Grade 7, NRHS
Fall 2011
New Richmond High School, New Richmond, Quebec Canada


War is hell

Some soldiers are stuck in cells

Shots are fired

They're surrounded by barbed wire.

Crawling through the battlefields,

Hoping that we have a shield.

Wanting to come home,

Instead of not knowing where to roam.

Wondering if I'll throw a bomb tomorrow,

Filling other people's lives with sorrow.

It must top, it's not right,

There goes my friend Dwight.

I'm behind enemy lines,

Hoping that I will be fine.

It's not fair,

But we have to care.

Zachary Cyr, Grade 7, NRHS
Natalie Hardy (Language Arts Teacher, NRHS)