The Madawaska, just below Flat Rapids
13 October 1912
Arnprior, Ontario, Canada


In 1989, Maia-Mari Sutnik of the Art Gallery of Ontario organized an exhibit of Macnamara's pictorial photography along with the work of M. O. Hammond, a portrait photographer, journalist and editor of The Globe. Ms. Sutnik wrote the following about Charles Macnamara in the exhibition catalogue: "For Macnamara photography was clearly elastic in its challenges. As his allegiance to the pictorial mode diminished, the exquisitively (sic) manipulated prints were eclipsed by straight studies of wildlife, insects, trees, and flowers. While Macnamara had made a distinction between his artistic salon photography and that which served his interests as a naturalist, his later photography is less complex in the expression of his environment as these compositions sustained more formal arrangements by applying a purist aesthetic.
Characteristically, Charles Macnamara let his work speak for itself.