R.M. of Cut Knife Minutes

May 3, 1960 Delegation representing the local Elks Lodge met with the council to discuss the lake road.

August 2, 1960 Atton: That the council authorize the gravelling of the north portion of the Lake road to $500 and that application be made for the special grant upon completion.


Booth in the 60's
Circa 1960
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Sargeant, Sharon


Highway 40 Courier, June 28,1960

Elk's Beach Fine Summer Resort

CUT KNIFE - Since the B.P.O.E. No. 153 have taken over the beach at Atton's Lake they have made it as fine a summer resort as can be found at a lake of its size.

They staged a "bee" recently to add living quarters 13' X 20' to their booth, making it 18' X 64'. The 100-volt plant supplies lights, and runs a fridge and freezer. The bleachers and benches are newly painted white as are the new tables for the convenience of picnickers. A well supplies adequate water for everyone's needs.

Now 74 neatly painted cabins adorn the park. The Dufferin Dusters have built a square dance floor 40' X 60'. The floor is cement with a gloss finish. The dance floor is on the west side of the lake overlooking the water. It is a real beauty spot.

There are swings, slides, teeters and a round-about for the kiddies. The lake is fine for boating and noted for Perch. The sandy beach is one of the finest found anywhere.

The R.M. of Cut Knife has made a vast improvement by re-grading the last two half miles of road entering the park.

If you haven't visited this beauty spot, plan now to do so.


Atton's Lake from West Beach
Circa 1950 - 1960
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada; West of Main Beach

Sleath, Ruby


Highway 40 Courier, June 26, 1960

Square Dancers First Outing At Elks Beach

CUT KNIFE - On July 1 the Dufferin Dusters held their first square dance on the new floor at Elk's Beach, Atton's Lake. Guests were present from Vermillion, Unity, Paynton, Sedwich, North Battleford, Phippen, Wilkie, Battleford, Rockhaven, Neilburg, Marsden, Rosetown, Waseca and Cut Knife. Henry Lein, Lougheed, Alta., was the caller.

Although heavy rainstorms hit many districts, Elk's Beach escaped the rain and the evening was pleasant for dancing. There will be square dancing every Wednesday evening at Elk's Beach.

The square dance floor is now complete with four foot walls of plywood and benches along the sides of the platform for an orchestra and refreshment booth. They all boast a coat of paint.

Caller for July 13 is Harold Schacher and July 20 Fern Des Hranais of Rosetown.


Dufferin Dusters Public Hall Licence
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Clayton McLain Memorial Museum


Entrance Through Trees to Main Beach
Circa 1950-1960
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Sleath, Ruby


Not all the stories about the Lake are happy ones.
Through the years several swimming or diving drownings occurred


Main Beach West of Bath Houses
Circa 1950-1960
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Sleath, Ruby


Plane Ride at Regatta
Circa 1960
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Haight, Gloria


Highway 40 Courier, July 26, 1960

Thousands Throng To Elks Beach for Regatta

CUT KNIFE - the Cut Knife Elks Lodge No. 380 held their annual Regatta at Elks Beach, Atton's Lake on July 17. The temperature hit the 94 mark making it an ideal day for bathers.

A gigantic softball tournament started in the morning with the final game being played in the evening. In games Ruth defeated Unity, Prince defeated P.F.R.A., Scott defeated Luseland, Cut Knife defeated Little Pine, Baloil defeated Baldwinton, Wilkie defeated Delmas and Saskatoon won from Lloydminster by default. In the second round Ruth defeated Prince, Cut Knife defeated Scott, Baloil bested Wilkie and Saskatoon. In the finals Ruth won first prize money by defeating Baloil with Cut knife placing third.

The boat races were judged on total points. Jerry Kernan of Saskatoon won top prize. Dave white of North Battleford placed second with Bill Ross third. Six speed boat outfits took part.

During the afternoon an airplane equipped with pontoons took patrons up on an aerial view of the lake and area. Pony rides and a merry-go-round provided entertainment for the kiddies. A monster wiener roast in the evening was a big success.

At the completion of the last ball game a colorful half hour Indian pow-wow was staged on the ball diamond with the traditional grass dance, war dance and then the pow-wow. The beautiful beaded costumes are always a certain fascination for the large crowd who applauded the dancers' efforts.

Raffle tickets were sold by the O.O.R.P. Club. Mrs. Churchman won the sleeping bag, Ralph Lawson the lawn chair and Bill Routledge Jr. a fishing rod and reel.

The evening was cool and a capacity crowd assembled on the beach to watch a gigantic fireworks display that lit up the shore of Atton's Lake for several minutes.

Dancing under the stars to the music of Don Currie's Orchestra on the new open-air dance floor brought festivities to a close.

The Elks concession booth did a booming business during the day.

Proceeds are used by the Elks to carry out further improvements and provide additional recreational facilities at this fine summer resort.


Powwow at Regatta
July 26, 1960
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Highway 40 Courier
Gibson, Lorie


The Booth was operated by many different people over the years. In the early years the operators paid the RM to be able to operate the business. The Elks and then the Parks Board took over the management of the Booth.


Booth Operators 1961
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Haight, Gloria